
Look for routes that take you to Highway 39 (Paul Buchman Highway) into Plant City. Paul Buchman Highway will turn into Wheeler Street.
Proceed South on Wheeler Street through town and then take a right on Dr. MLK Jr. Blvd. heading West.
Once you get to Alexander Street take a right and proceed to Reynolds.
Take a left on Reynolds and head west to the Festival grounds on your right.
Look for routes that take you to Alexander Street into Plant City. Alexander Street splits with Paul Buchman Highway north of the city, proceed South on Alexander and look for Reynolds Street as you enter town. Take a right on Reynolds and there is parking throughout the area located just south of the Festival Grounds.
Take Highway 60 through Brandon and head east to Highway 39.
At the intersection of Highway 60 and Highway 39 turn left and take Highway 39 (James L. Redman Pkwy) north to Alexander Street.
At Alexander Street and Highway 39 (James L. Redman Pkwy) turn left.
Take Alexander to Reynolds and turn left at the intersection of Alexander and Reynolds. Once you turn on Reynolds, look for parking to the north or south of the Festival Grounds. The grounds are just up the road as you head East on Reynolds.
Visitors from the West bound I-4 Park Rd: Exit Interstate 4 at Park Rd. (exit 22) go south bound to Hwy. 92 (Baker St.), continue west, turn south bound on Alexander St. then west bound Reynolds St., leading you to the Festival grounds.
Visitors from the West bound I-4 Buchman Hwy. /Alexander St: Exit Interstate 4 at Buchman Hwy. /Alexander St. (exit 21), go south bound Alexander St. then west bound Reynolds St., leading you to the Festival grounds.